Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Japan quick tip #1

In a few months we'd be setting foot again in Japan. And this time, were prepared (I think). We know that shopping is on our list, so one way of saving money in a way for it is by loading up early on our Suica e-card.
Japan is still based on a cash society but their e-cards such as Suica, Pasmo, Iococa to name a few, is a must. These are used for train rides and sometimes pay for items or even services. Then told myself, why not load up early so that by the time we're there, we'd have a few hundred dollars stashed.
But there's a catch. When you load up, it's gonna be in Yen. And the value in Dollars changes everyday. It's like playing the stock market.
The Dollar is up against the Yen. Tourism is at an all time high in Japan. I really can't say if this would benefit us by the time we get there, but at the end of the day, we'd still have extra money for our trip.

Thursday, July 04, 2024

The Unspoken Annoyance: Scratches on Your Pristine Rimowa Luggage

For many, buying or for some, "investing" in a piece of Rimowa luggage is not just about acquiring a travel accessory; it's about indulging in a statement of style, durability, and luxury. 

Known for their sleek design and resilient build, Rimowa suitcases are the epitome of high-end travel gear. Yet, there's an unspoken irritation that gnaws at many proud Rimowa owners: the inevitable scratches that come with traveling. 

It come's in stages as well.  

Stage 1: The Initial Bliss 

 The excitement of owning a Rimowa suitcase is palpable. Unboxing it for the first time, you marvel at its flawless exterior, the meticulous craftsmanship, and the promise of hassle-free travel it embodies. Whether it’s the classic aluminum case with its distinctive grooves or the innovative polycarbonate models, each piece is a testament to Rimowa’s dedication to quality and aesthetics. Ours dates back in 2013. When we first bought our two sets of poly. 

Stage 2: The Reality of Travel 

 However, the romance can be short-lived. Airports, train stations, and bus terminals are unforgiving environments. Despite the utmost care you take, the moment your Rimowa is checked in, it’s at the mercy of the baggage handling system. Conveyer belts, cargo holds, and overzealous baggage handlers show no favoritism, and your immaculate suitcase is subject to the same rough treatment as any other piece of luggage. 

Stage 3: The First Scratch 

 It happens to everyone. You retrieve your luggage from the carousel, and there it is – the first scratch. It’s minor, perhaps even unnoticeable to others, but to you, it’s a glaring imperfection on what was once a flawless surface. This first mark is particularly frustrating because it signifies the beginning of the end for your suitcase's pristine condition. 

Stage 4: The Snowball Effect 

 One scratch is seldom the end of it. With every subsequent trip, your Rimowa accumulates more nicks and dings. Each new mark feels like a personal affront, a reminder that no matter how much you spent on this luxury item, it’s not immune to the wear and tear of travel. This gradual degradation can be particularly disheartening for those who take pride in the appearance of their belongings. 

Stage 5: The Emotional Toll 

 For many, these scratches represent more than just physical damage; they symbolize the loss of the newness and the premium feel that justified the suitcase's hefty price tag. It's an emotional toll that comes with the territory of owning high-end luggage. The scratches are constant, nagging reminders that luxury and practicality are often at odds. And some would justify that 

Stage 6: Finding a Balance 

 While it’s easy to get caught up in the frustration, it’s important to remember the core reasons for choosing Rimowa in the first place: durability, functionality, and style. A scratched suitcase doesn’t lose its ability to protect your belongings or its ease of maneuverability. In fact, some seasoned travelers argue that the scratches add character, telling the story of your adventures around the globe. 

Stage 7: Embracing the Patina 

 One way to alleviate the irritation is to embrace the patina. Much like a well-loved leather jacket or a vintage car, a well-traveled Rimowa carries the marks of its journeys with pride. Each scratch is a badge of honor, a testament to the miles you’ve covered and the experiences you’ve had. This mindset shift can transform your perspective, allowing you to appreciate your suitcase in a new light. 

Practical Tips 

 For those who can’t quite make peace with the scratches, there are practical steps to minimize them. Using protective covers, being selective about when and where you check your luggage, and applying specialized polishes can help maintain its appearance. However, accepting that some wear is inevitable can save you a lot of stress in the long run. 


 In the end, owning a Rimowa suitcase is about more than just its exterior. It’s about the reliability, the craftsmanship, and the seamless travel experience it provides. While the scratches are an undeniable irritation, they’re also a reminder of the places you’ve been and the memories you’ve made. So, the next time you spot a new scratch, try to see it not as a flaw, but as a chapter in your personal travel story. And by accepting all of these, then you get that inner peace.

The cobblestone streets of Europe did pose a challenge on the wheels