Saturday, July 24, 2010

The night before the Con

It's Saturday 3:35am. Few more hours and we'll be in toy heaven. Yes, it's that time of the year again, where Anna complains of spending our wedding anniversary in a convention center crowded with a mountainful of "guests" channeling 100% geekiness.


I was working Wednesday and Thursday night and was complaining of back pains. Had I been able to buy that 4-day pass earlier, I wouldn't have had gone to work and through that torture. Until now, there's still that "tolerable" pain, and Anna kept teasing me not to go and rest instead. Is she kidding me? I'm about to get the best pain killer *cough* *cough* "Hasbro-spirin".

Everything is all set up. Just need to take a shower and off we go. Yes, we're leaving really early. Downtown is just 15 minutes away from our house and they don't open till 8:30. "The sacrifices I had to make", that's Anna speaking from her sleep.

1 comment:

j. said...

wow!the dedication!hehe.

props to anna!hehe.